Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tak sengaja pam anak dalam tandas

LONDON: Seorang wanita memberitahu sebuah mahkamah di Britain bahawa dia secara tidak sengaja mengepam anak yang baru lahir ke dalam tandas kerana tidak menyedari dia sedang melahirkan anak.

Claire Jones berkata dia menyedari dirinya hamil hasil hubungan sulitnya dengan seorang rakan sekerja, namun menganggap kesakitan yang dialaminya ketika awal pagi 28 Disember lalu akibat cirit birit.

Jones memberitahu seorang koroner di mahkamah Cardiff, Wales kelmarin bahawa dia hanya menyedari apa yang berlaku apabila melihat sepasang kaki di dalam mangkuk tandas.

Katanya, dia cuba menyelamatkan bayinya, namun gagal dan kemudian meletakkan mayatnya di tempat simpan barang dalam keretanya.

SUMBER: Berita Harian

Mayat bayi itu ditemui dalam kenderaan Jones selepas dia ditahan. Dia diberi hukuman tertangguh kerana menyembunyikan kelahiran bayinya. - AP

Monday, November 24, 2008

Makan telur tingkat risiko diabetes

Wanita alami kesan lebih serius

WASHINGTON: Sekumpulan saintis Amerika Syarikat mendakwa amalan memakan sebiji telur sehari boleh meningkatkan risiko penyakit diabetes atau kencing manis sebanyak 60 peratus.

Malah, bagi wanita, risikonya jauh lebih tinggi iaitu 77 peratus.

Penyelidik Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Harvard dan Hospital Wanita Boston, juga memberi amaran, penghidap diabetes jenis kedua atau jenis yang dialami dewasa, boleh berdepan keadaan jauh lebih serius jika memakan beberapa biji telur sehari.

Mereka membuat kesimpulan itu berdasarkan kajian ke atas 57,000 wanita dan lelaki dalam tempoh 20 tahun.

"Tindakan memakan cuma sebiji telur dalam masa seminggu tidak memberi sebarang ancaman," kata hasil penyelidikan mereka yang disiarkan edisi terbaru jurnal Diabetes Care.

Sehubungan itu, doktor kini menggesa penghidap diabetes Jenis Kedua atau yang berisiko menghidapnya, mengehadkan pengambilan telur kepada cuma tiga biji seminggu.

"Jika masih ada yang berminat menjadikan telur sebagai makanan utama, pilihlah yang mempunyai kandungan Omega 3 lebih tinggi."

Biarpun menjadi sumber pelbagai sumber vitamin dan khasiat lain, telur juga mengandungi kolesterol yang tinggi dan lemak tidak tepu yang menjadi antara risiko diabetes Jenis Kedua.

Diabetes adalah penyakit yang mana paras glukos dalam darah terlalu tinggi disebabkan kegagalan badan menggunakannya.

Ada dua jenis diabetes iaitu Jenis Pertama membabitkan kegagalan badan menghasilkan sebarang insulin dan lazimnya berlaku sebelum individu berusia 40 tahun

Diabetes Jenis Kedua pula merujuk kepada masalah badan yang masih boleh menghasilkan insulin, tetapi tidak cukup.

Majoriti kes membabitkan mereka yang mengalami masalah berat badan lazimnya muncul ketika mereka berusia lebih 40 tahun. - Agensi

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Michael Jackson peluk Islam

LOS ANGELES: Penyanyi kontroversi Amerika Syarikat, Michael Jackson, memeluk Islam dan menukar namanya kepada Mikaeel, nama malaikat yang memberi rezeki.

Superstar muflis berusia 50 tahun itu dilaporkan memakai jubah dan kopiah ketika mengucap dua kalimah syahadah di hadapan seorang imam dalam satu majlis di sebuah rumah rakannya di sini.

Akhbar The Sun dalam laporannya semalam mendedahkan majlis itu diadakan beberapa hari sebelum Jackson atau 'Jacko' dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Tinggi London, selepas disaman oleh seorang putera Arab.

Jacko yang dibesarkan sebagai penganut Kristian, dikatakan mengambil keputusan menukar agamanya ketika beliau menggunakan studio di rumah kawan rapatnya untuk merekodkan album baru.

Rakannya, David Wharnsby � seorang penulis lagu Kanada dan produser Philip Bubal, yang menasihatkan Jacko supaya memeluk Islam. Kedua-duanya juga sudah memeluk Islam dengan nama baru mereka Dawud Wharnsby Ali dan Idris Philips.

"Mereka mula berbincang mengenai agama dan bagaimana mereka menjadi seorang yang lebih baik dengan menukar agama. Tidak lama kemudian Michael mula menerima idea itu," kata sumber yang dipetik akhbar itu.

Jacko yang merakamkan lagu terkenal seperti The Way You Make Me Feel, bagaimanapun menolak nama alternatif, Mustafa � bermaksud orang yang terpilih.

Penyanyi Britain, Yusuf Islam, 60, atau nama asalnya, Cat Stevens, mengalu-alukan Jacko sebagai saudara baru.

Jacko kini berdoa untuk ke Makkah selepas satu majlis diadakan di rumah pemain keybord Toto, Steve Porcaro, 51, di Hollywood Hills yang menyusun album Thriller penyanyi itu.

Jacko, yang jarang keluar rumah tanpa memakai topeng, dijangka memberi keterangan Isnin ini dalam tuntutan saman berjumlah £4.7 juta (RM25.3 juta) oleh Putera Abdulla Al-Khalif dari Bahrain. � Agensi

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bahasa Melayu jawapan pada hambatan perpaduan

"Sahihlah kelompok yang semangat perkaumannya tinggi ini
seperti dedalu api hinggap ke pohon kayu; hingga di batang, mati batang, hinggap di ranting, ranting patah ini,
tidak diperlukan di Malaysia serta situasi ini perlu diteliti pemimpin Melayu, jangan sampai bangsa sendiri punah."

KELANCANGAN beberapa orang berkepentingan dalam politik yang mewakili kaum Cina dan India baik daripada parti pembangkang mahupun pemerintah, perlu ditangani segera oleh pihak berwajib bagi mengelakkan peristiwa mandi darah pada 13 Mei 1969 daripada berulang.

Dalam senario politik hari ini, kenyataan demi kenyataan berbau perkauman oleh beberapa pemimpin ini nyata memang disengajakan demi kepentingan peribadi yang meluap-luap dan kepentingan nasional sememangnya dihumbankan ke tepi..

Sesetengah daripada mereka ini tanpa segan silu mengeluarkan kenyataan dan tuntutan berbau perkauman meskipun parti yang mereka wakili mencatat pencapaian buruk pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 pada 8 Mac lalu dan sesetengahnya pula menang ekoran undi Melayu.

Hakikat kebaikan dan kemuliaan bangsa Melayu menerima kehadiran mereka dengan membuka ruang kerakyatan tanpa sebarang syarat ketika Tanah Melayu merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957 dihumbankan, malahan dipunahkan dengan dakwaan orang Melayu juga pendatang.

Hakikat segala mudarat ini dapat dielakkan sekiranya pemerintah tegas dalam melaksanakan fungsi bahasa Melayu sebagai wahana perpaduan rakyat semua kaum negara ini seperti dibuktikan pemimpin terdahulu dan kini kita mengerti tindakan Indonesia dan Thailand dalam hal bahasa.

Seorang teman memberitahu penulis: "Indonesia mengharamkan penggunaan bahasa Mandarin di negara itu di samping melarang kemasukan buku dalam bahasa terbabit pada zaman pemerintahan Orde Lama dan mereka turut dilarang menggunakan nama Cina di negara itu.

"Segalanya itu dilakukan bagi memastikan mereka setia kepada pemerintah Indonesia. Langkah serupa turut dilaksanakan pemerintah Thailand terhadap orang Cina. Orang Melayu baik hati dan terlalu menjaga hati pendatang.

"Di Amerika Syarikat pula, sesiapa yang memohon kewarganegaraan diwajibkan menduduki peperiksaan yang menguji pengetahuan bahasa dan sejarah mereka berhubung negara terbabit kerana nilai kerakyatan bukan murah," kata teman ini ketika bertukar pandangan dengan penulis.

Bersediakah orang Cina dan India sekiranya syarat sedemikian dikenakan kepada mereka memandangkan yang bermati-matian memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara daripada British dulu hakikatnya adalah orang Melayu?

Mereka yang ditatang bagaikan minyak yang penuh sehingga sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil masih beroperasi meskipun selepas 51 tahun Malaysia merdeka, masih enggan melihat dan akur dengan ketuanan Melayu, malahan memperlekehkannya.

Mahukah kelompok yang kononnya tidak memahami bahasa Melayu meskipun bernafas di bawah langit Malaysia sehingga menjadikannya sebagai alasan perlunya soalan peperiksaan diterjemahkan ke bahasa vernakular dilucutkan kerakyatan mereka?

Sudah sampai masanya pemerintah akur akan keupayaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa perpaduan dalam apa juga era terutama ketika mengharungi pelbagai ancaman disengajakan oleh kelompok bersarung sesumpah ini yang sengaja mencari peluang untuk menyerang meskipun tidak diusik.

Sahihlah kelompok yang semangat perkaumannya tinggi ini seperti dedalu api hinggap ke pohon kayu; hingga di batang, mati batang, hinggap di ranting, ranting patah ini, tidak diperlukan di Malaysia serta situasi ini perlu diteliti pemimpin Melayu, jangan sampai bangsa sendiri punah.

Tiada gunanya lagi untuk bangsa Melayu menangisi sejarah yang sudah terpahat dan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk tidak terus tunduk kepada kelompok yang sanggup menjahanamkan negara demi kepentingan peribadi.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kesan tembikai seperti pil Viagra

TEXAS: Kajian baru mencadangkan bahawa tembikai mungkin menghasilkan kesan dalam tubuh sama seperti Viagra, mungkin memberi jalan kepada penawar semula jadi bagi lelaki yang menderita mati pucuk, kata Bhimu Patil dari Universiti A& M, di sini.

Penyelidikan dijalankan Patil dan rakannya baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa isi tembikai mengandungi paras tinggi asid amino 'citrullin' berbanding yang difikirkan penyelidik.

Sehingga penemuan itu, kebanyakan unsur citrulline dipercayai didapati pada bahagian kulit luar buah berkenaan yang tidak boleh dimakan.

"Kami mengetahui bahawa tembikai mengandungi citrulline, namun tembikai mempunyai lebih banyak citrulline dalam bahagian isi berbanding yang difikirkan sebelumnya," kata Patil.

Ia penting kerana tubuh menukar 'citrulline' kepada 'arginine', sejenis asid amino lain yang berfungsi sebagai perintis kepada nitrat oksida.

Nitrat oksida, sebaliknya memainkan peranan penting dalam mengembangkan saluran darah dan proses ketegangan zakar. Fungsi utama Viagra ialah mensasarkan nitrat oksida yang menandakan laluan dalam zakar.

Patil berharap penyelidik lain akan mula mengkaji secara terus kesan tembikai terhadap ketegangan zakar. Namun sesetengahnya agak ragu-ragu.

"Hanya kerana nitrat oksida diperlukan bagi menegangkan zakar, tidak bermakna memakan sesuatu yang kaya dengan citrulline akan menghasilkan 'arginine' yang cukup untuk menghasilkan ketegangan zakar," kata Irwin Goldstein, ketua pengarang Jurnal Ubatan Seksual dan bekas perunding bagi syarikat yang membuat ubat penawar mati pucuk. � Agensi

Sumber: Berita Harian Online

Monday, November 17, 2008

Perut buncit pendek umur

LONDON: Satu kajian terbaru mendedahkan bahawa mereka yang berperut buncit dan mempunyai lemak berlebihan di sekeliling pinggang berdepan risiko dua kali ganda untuk mati pada usia muda.

Kajian membabitkan 350,000 orang di seluruh Eropah dan disiarkan Jurnal Perubatan New England edisi terbaru itu menyatakan, lebihan lemak di bahagian perut menjejaskan kesihatan walaupun jika seseorang itu tidak dikategorikan gemuk dan mempunyai berat badan keseluruhan yang normal.

Ketua kajian dari Institut Pemakanan Manusia Jerman di Potsdam-Rehbrucke, Dr Tobias Pischon, berkata kajian yang dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa risiko mati pada usia muda bukan saja berpunca daripada kegemukan semata-mata tetapi juga disebabkan masalah pengedaran lemak dalam badan.

"Lemak di bahagian perut bukan saja menyimpan tenaga, tetapi merangsang pengeluaran sejenis hormon dikenali cytokines yang menyumbang kepada serangan penyakit kronik," katanya.

Beliau berkata, hasil kajian itu mencadangkan doktor agar mengira ukur lilit bahagian perut dan punggung pesakit, selain purata indeks jisim tubuh sebagai pemeriksaan asas yang mesti dilakukan ke atas pesakit.

Perbandingan yang dibuat ke atas pesakit dengan indeks jisim tubuh sama, menunjukkan bahawa risiko mati pada usia muda meningkat apabila ukur lilit pinggang mereka semakin besar.

"Risiko mati muda meningkat dua kali ganda bagi mereka yang mempunyai perut buncit iaitu lebih ukur lilit pinggang melebihi 120 sentimeter bagi lelaki dan lebih 100 sentimeter bagi wanita, berbanding mereka yang mempunyai ukur lilir lebih kecil iaitu kurang daripada 80 sentimeter bagi lelaki dan kurang 65 sentimeter bagi wanita," katanya.

Dr Pischon berkata, nisbah ukur lilit antara pinggang dengan punggung juga boleh menjadi penunjuk yang penting kepada keadaan kesihatan seseorang.

"Nisbah yang lebih kecil antara pinggang dan punggung menunjukkan risiko kesihatan yang lebih rendah berbanding nisbah yang lebih besar antara kedua-duanya," kata beliau. � Agensi

Sumber: Berita Harian Online

Sunday, November 16, 2008

10 Ways to maintain a Healty, Happy and Long-term Relationship

by: Ivy Black

Most of us would like a "happily ever after" of their own. Maybe not always with the sugary glazing, but definitely a long lasting partnership is what many people crave for. Although this is not a comprehensive guide, these tips should definitely get you on the right track in finding your perfect other half.

Most of us have at some point in our life came across fairy tales, be it in the form of childhood fairy tales, where the prince and princess lived happily ever after, or the plethora of romantic comedies and dramas from Hollywood. They both have one thing in common - an idealistic view on relationships. It all looks so easy when watched from aside, but it does not teach us how to achieve it ourselves. And one thing is certain, prince charming won't fall from the sky, and no one can last in an euphoric love state 24/7 forever...

What are we to do than mere mortals? Well you can rejoice for one thing, as although it seems elusive true love and a strong life-long relationship is achievable if you try to be realistic.

Here are some rules that should help you get on track.

Be critical

It might sound like a bizarre advice, but it refers to you not others. Look at yourself and realize you are not perfect, and thus you cannot except others to be perfect either.

Be realistic

If you want a royal prince, who looks like a hot Hollywood actor, and has the intelligence levels of Einstein then yes - you will be disappointed with everyone you meet. Do not go the other way either - don't throw yourself into the arms of anyone that is willing to take you. This is a lot about knowing yourself and knowing what you really expect from your partner. And I cannot emphasize this enough - be realistic. Make a list and pick your priorities.

Know yourself

The first point to find your dream partner is surprisingly knowing yourself. A successful relationship is very much about having common interest and most importantly life priorities. Yes you can be pretty much opposites, but if you do not share at least some of the very core values, then chances are your relationship is not going to last long. This does not mean you have to be nearly clones of each other, like the same food, colours and songs. It's more about things like views on life, what kind of values are most important to you, what kind of living environment you prefer. Because if one of you wants to live in the centre of a busy city and go out every night drinking, and the other one prefers country life, drinking tea on the porch and not socializing much beyond closes friends and family, then problems are bound to arise. And although these are not insurmountable, they definitely make maintaining such a relationship quite a challenge.

Don't run away when problems appear

A lot of the problems with modern day relationships is that they are easy to abandon when things go astray. It's not that it was easier to enjoy a happy family before, but there was a lot more pressure on trying harder. And although this is a double edged sword - just as it helped save some relationships, it forced some others to stick together despite obvious failure, it definitely made people a bit more cautious about your choices.

This means three things for successful relationships. Firstly you should be slightly picky, and not diminish yourself and your values. Secondly you should remember that a relationship is not a constant, it's about two people in a way evolving together, so discrepancies in opinion and problems will appear sooner or later. Try and work these out. And lastly, if everything fails, contrary to your ancestors you have a choice. There is no point sticking in a dead end relationship just for the sake of it.

If it bugs you, do it yourself

When it comes to problems and flaws we tend to make a big deal of little things our partner does but not notice all the annoying things we do ourselves. Some things you can and should talk about. If you are doing everything and your partner just sits on the couch, then maybe you should check the previous point. Or just maybe, it is you who made things that way. Sometimes things do not have to be perfect. We are not all born with the same skills. One person's level of cleanliness might be another person's cleaning nightmare. Give your partner a chance, when a glass is not perfectly shiny after washing, mention it (But remember to keep it positive! No screaming and throwing plates about it...), and encourage them to do it better next time, rather than doing it yourself from there on.

The general rule is - do not be fussy about small things. If you want the towel folded in a certain way - do it yourself. If the trash is full, don't go rambling about it - in the time you spend on that, you could just as well thrown the trash out yourself.

Don't sacrifice yourself all the time

You always have to have a balance. There is nothing wrong in being a little bit selfish, but when one of the partners gives 100% and the other one 0%, sooner or later it is going to cause problems. The ideal situation is when both partners give a 100%, as then they both also receive a 100% from the other person this way. In reality, this will probably fluctuate depending on many different conditions like work, health, social life, family, even weather! It is OK to make extra effort for your partner, but if you keep living in overdrive 24/7 you will burn out (or, mind you, it might be your partner that burns out).

Be affectionate

This seems a very obvious one, but I find it quite sad how little affection people show each other these days. There is eroticism every where, and snogging, but what is important to a healthy relationship is not the outbursts of passion, it's good to have them, but something has to fill in the gaps too. And that something is simple touch, just holding hands while walking together, a little kiss here and there. People might deny it, but we are physical creatures, and physical contact helps create a bond and reassurance to the other person that you are still interested in them, and happy with them.

Talk, talk, talk

Just as we need to feel the other person around physically, it is good to talk about many different things. The insignificant - so that you can exchange your views on events and know how your partner feels about things. About problems - rather than let your anger or annoyance grow inside you into an insurmountable problem, let it out, tell your other half what is bugging you. Be wary though to do it tactfully and try not to hurt the other person's feelings while doing it. Imagine how you would like bad news to be delivered to you. A good advice is to avoid "You..." statements and exchange them for "I..." ones - this makes your sentences less like an accusation, and more like you expressing your concerns

Be creative

Make little gifts for each other - they don't have to be expensive. They don't even have to be presents. It is a nice way to show the other person you think about them. A flower without an occasion, going out to their favourite restaurant, cooking something they like, etc. Sometimes it's nice to be surprised even without a special occasion.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

She is reaching.

I know i have a bad start and a bad ending. Nothing seemed to go in my way or as I planned this year. I know it is very disappointing. Somehow, I found my trueself but somehow I still lack in something. I couldn't change the past but one thing I can do is chart my way for a better life in the future.

"Life is what you make it"

Now I'm reaching the world beyond me.
I'm reaching for something that going to determine who I am in the future
I'm reaching me.

Let's get down to business.

Enough playing around.

I have disappointed my parents and teachers but not the school. I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
Now... Let's get down to business.
I'm going to chart my way and reaching the unexpected.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lim Kok Wing offers this course!!!

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in
Event Management
[KP/JPS (KA6445) 10/10]

Global Classroom - You may opt to complete this course in London
If you enjoy the challenge of “making things happen”, event management can be the most satisfying career. In the fast growing service industry of today, the professionally trained event manager is needed at all levels – from small events to large-scale promotions.

The management of any event is a full-time challenge, which is why it is increasingly being entrusted to professionally trained event managers. A wide range of exciting and challenging activities awaits those who choose this career path – including celebrity events, sports events, corporate events, political events, exhibitions, product promotions, marketing events, and roadshows.

The professional training at Limkokwing is designed to develop accomplished event managers under its comprehensive multi-tasking programme which includes skills in event consulting, planning and co-ordination, implementation, market research and the necessary all-round skills in marketing, communication, public relations and presentation.

The emergence of event management as a professional skill is now recognized in the service industry. Take this opportunity to explore an excellent career in this exciting world of event management.

Entry requirements

∙ 2 principals STPM/'A' levels or equivalent or
∙ 5 credits SPM/'O' levels or equivalent
∙ Limkokwing's Foundation in Communication

Students with recognised prior learning such as Pre-University, Matriculation programme, or a diploma in a related field will be given advanced standing into the degree programme.

Programme structure

Students are exposed to multi-disciplines such as communication, advertising, marketing, writing, planning & co-ordination, event operations and evaluation.

The course also provides students with the opportunity to develop practical event management skills essential to anyone planning to work in this field – such as developing event concepts and how to seamlessly execute complex programmes on time, on target and on budget.

Year 1
Semester 1
Semester 2

∙ Event Industry
∙ Event Operations
∙ Introduction to
Web Technology
∙ Business Communication
∙ Writing Skills for
∙ Moral/Islamic Studies

∙ Venue Operations
and Contracts
∙ Marketing Principles
∙ Computer Graphics
∙ Public Relations Principles
∙ Communication in
New Economy
∙ Malaysian Studies

Year 2
Semester 3
Semester 4

∙ Corporate and Event
∙ Corporate Communication
∙ Dynamics of Small Business
∙ Consumer Behavior
∙ Innovative Problem
Solving Skills
∙ Media Law and Ethics
∙ Bahasa Malaysia A/B

∙ Project Management
∙ Strategic Marketing
∙ Public Relations
∙ Managing Publicity &
Media Relations
∙ Advertising Principles

Year 3
Semester 5
Semester 6

∙ Event Impact Analysis
∙ Studies on Media Audiences
∙ Public Relations Campaign
∙ Advertising Process or
Entrepreneurship or Strategic
Marketing Communications
∙ Services Marketing or Public
Relations Management or

∙ Conference and Exhibition
∙ Research Management
∙ International
Public Relations
∙ PR Writing
∙ Internet Marketing or
Advertising Campaign

Event Organiser

Event organisers are involved in the organisation of events from conception through to completion. Events can include:

  • exhibitions and fairs;
  • festivals;
  • conferences;
  • promotions and product launches;
  • fundraising and social events.

They work in both the public and private sector and can work for event management companies, in-house for an organisation or freelance.

The role of event organiser is hands-on and often involves working as part of a team. Event organisers must be able to complete a wide range of activities requiring clear communication and excellent organisational skills and must respond quickly to change, ensuring the smooth and efficient running of an event.

» Typical work activities

The role of event organiser will vary depending on the organisation and type of event they are involved in. Typical activities include:

  • researching markets to identify opportunities for events;
  • liaising with clients to ascertain their precise event requirements;
  • producing detailed proposals for events (e.g. timelines, venues, suppliers, legal obligations, staffing and budgets);
  • securing and booking a suitable venue or location;
  • ensuring insurance, legal, health and safety obligations are adhered to;
  • co-ordinating venue management, caterers, stand designers, contractors and equipment hire;
  • planning room layouts and the entertainment programme, scheduling workshops and demonstrations;
  • organising facilities for car parking, traffic control, security, first aid, hospitality and press;
  • identifying and securing speakers or special guests;
  • co-ordinating staffing requirements and staff briefings;
  • selling sponsorship/stand/exhibition space to potential exhibitors/partners;
  • arranging accommodation for exhibitors and/or delegates;
  • preparing delegate packs and papers;
  • creating, implementing and monitoring marketing and PR plans;
  • liaising with clients and designers to create a brand/look for the event;
  • liaising with newspapers, TV, radio and other media;
  • writing press releases or briefs in order to gain maximum exposure for the event;
  • organising the design and production of tickets, posters, catalogues and sales brochures;
  • co-ordinating everything on the day of the event to ensure that all runs smoothly;
  • handling client queries on the day and troubleshooting exhibitor and visitor problems on the day;
  • overseeing the dismantling and removal of the event, and clearing the venue efficiently;
  • post-event evaluation (including data entry and analysis and producing reports for event stakeholders).

Small organisations will often sub-contract some of the tasks listed here, whereas big event organisers tend to undertake the majority of the work themselves, dividing the tasks amongst specialist teams within their organisation.

Career that suit my personality

Next year will be a very challenging year. So I get to be prepared well... :) I have disappointed my parents because of my exam results. I'm sorry. I have to focus now to have a target in my life. First I have to determine what I want to be in life... So, I take a quiz.

What Career will suit your personality?

You would most enjoy a career that allows you to meet new people. You would also be happiest in a career that allows you to be free and flexible, and allows you to be extremely creative. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
  • Stockbroker - nope! no time for my family or 'him' hahaha!
  • Secretary - too busy.. i wanna be a boss!
  • Receptionist - err.. not interested!
  • Director - perhaps?
  • Recruitment Consultant
  • Politician - one day.. in my dream.
  • Marketing - no comment.
  • Human Resources Manager - sounds interesting?
  • Religious Minister - hehehehe..
  • Teacher - Love to!
  • Lawyer - nope!
  • Advertising - Cool!
  • Consultant - what's this?
  • Financial Adviser
  • Financial Planner
  • GP
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Public Relations
  • Estate Agent
  • Travel Agent
  • Restauranteur
  • Hotel Manager
  • Events Organiser - This is COOL!!!
You are a great leader. You genuinely enjoy being around other people. Your relationships with others are very important to you. You love talking and meeting new people. You are very enthusiastic about work and about all that you do and have in your life. You love being the focus of attention. You enjoy a fast pace. You are very socially oriented. Therefore, you are much happier being with others than you are alone. You crave interaction with others.

You are very spontaneous and often act before you think. You are always quick to answer when you are asked a question, even if you aren't sure of the answer. It is easier for you to improvise as you go along. You enjoy thinking out loud, and are most creative when brainstorming with friends or colleagues. You enjoy being involved in many activities.

You are very easy to read, and often wear your heart on your sleeve. You are never afraid to tell people what you think. You are very empathetic and genuine. You can sometimes be seen as over-emotional or too involved by others. But that is only because you tend to get so involved in the things you do that they become personal. You want to be adored, loved and appreciated. You like to please others and to make sure people are happy.

You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.

You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don't like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ummi oh Ummi!

Lucunya rakan-rakan seperjuangan ku ni. Suka, cakap je la suka. habis cerita. sorang tunggu sorang lama2 dah berlapis-lapis dah ceritanya. Dr si "I" ke "S" balik2 yang budak hemo-hemo tu jugak yang dia nak... aiyooo.. sahabatku ini?? sukar diduga perbuatanmu itu. hahahahahaha!! Nasib tak tambah "Mohd. Azida Azuan" aka Maas skali???? kalau yang tu pun masuk skali, aku tak tau la jadi kek lapis hapa ntah??!! hahahahahahah!!! (p/s: kenal Maas tapi nama betul tak tau...apa pny kawan daa~~"

delay punya delay... jadila jugak. Insya-Allah. Amin...
hahahaha!! Congrats! Jangan sampai angau kat dalam Chemis sudah.
"Kalau nak jadi doktor, jangan angau dalam kelas..." oopps! salah!
"Kalau nak jadi doktor, jangan baca buku cerita dalam kelas..."

You are so unexpected, darling!!

Well looking forward to hear your story! :)

Missing her badly!

I miss her so much...
Things are not the same without her.
I just want to be around or be here with me. I need her.
26 minutes talking to you just now is never enough because I want to hear more.
to see more. I miss u.

I miss you Mia.

"When you're gone, pieces of my heart will missing you..."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

To understand... To know... & To trust...

In any relationship... Friendship or Love. You will get through this phase.
A phase I called, Improvement phase.

When you fell in love, you can't think wisely. All you can think is... you want that person badly. Afraid of losing that person. Day dreaming, can't leave him out of side... Get jealous easily and then u may cry because u think you can't have him. True isn't it? Love hurt when the person you love does not love you in return or doesn't tell you how he or she felt. Then, you start to think that you cannot have them. Love is blind but the blindness make your heart skip a beat and music fills the air.

But it's different when you are in the relationship you want to. You start to think wisely and make a room for improvement... "To understand, to know, and to trust..."

This is important phase to strengthen and sustain your relationship. You must always try to understand your friend. Do not just simple make them do everything in your way. In fact, you must follow theirs too. In this process you'll get to know them well. So, when you know them, you will tend to take care of that person. Your action will always speak louder than your word. Love can be felt without you saying a word. This is because you understand and know them better. Then you put your trust on them. You trust them in every way because you love them...

The stage is complete. You are the true love that one can never let go. Be wise and sensible.
But remember to improvise so that your relationship will not be lame... Be a cheerleader and a player at the same time. :)