Friday, March 6, 2009


Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
What's the matter of saying "I'm Sorry"??
It Just a simple word but does it means something?

I have problem with that. Don't you guys think it's too simple to say "I'm Sorry"?
It's so simple! Does it means something if you said you're sorry???

I still can't understand this.
After all we've done, the worst, terrible deeds you're ever done to someone...

Do you think it's worth to say a simple word as
"I'm Sorry"?

Is not that I won't say I'm Sorry.

My points is, what does "sorry" means...
if you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Can "sorry" replace everything that people lose because of us, our words that hurt others, the people you kill, or maybe take back the moment of humiliation and unforgivable?


What's the power of saying "I'm Sorry"?


Will they forgive us?

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